mike kahn golf business consultant

Why order Mike Kahn's Golf Course Business Financial Analysis?

Here's your current situation:

  • You're having trouble making ends meet
  • The banker calls you (very) often these days
  • The course is aging and needs serious refurbishing
  • Membership roster has declined substantially since 2005
  • You have not (really) been paying attention to your market
  • You follow routine, routine, routine, yet same results
  • Your advertising is now 100% Internet (bad decision)
  • See a full list: signs of a golf course in trouble

Why I am positive you are 'spilling' thousands and thousands in fees, taxes, and expenses, which is contributing to the condition you are in now. I'm positive because when we are engaged ...

  • We find $ thousands in ridiculous credit card processing fees
  • We find $ thousands overpayments in worker's comp premiums
  • We find $ thousands in fees and taxes you could be claiming back to you - going back several years
  • We find $ thousands of waste in maintenance expenses
  • We find $ thousands in new business by applying proven strategies you are not using now

I have reviewed hundreds and hundreds of golf course financial statements. With over 50-years behind me I can quickly recognize out-of-whack areas that need to be addressed. Like finding money behind the cushions, I can usually find thousands either in savings or missed earning opportunities.

I apply formulas to my review of a golf course financial statement based on years of observing successes and failures (experience). I look at the numbers from an operator's perspective. Then, I switch chairs to review the same statements through a lender's eye, "Am I looking at a business that can repay a loan?"

I review three basic components: Financial Statements, Physical Assets, Marketplace.

"How can we make this boat float?"

Get me this list:

  1. A detailed financial statement going back at least three years (if available).
  2. Detailed income sources by departments - monthly showing budget and previous year
  3. Detailed outflows by department - especially course and clubhouse upkeep
  4. Cost of Sales (COS) - separated by departments and sub-departments
  5. Payroll expenses including key personnel salaries/contracts
  6. Bank loans/mortgages and amortization
  7. Inventory of maintenance machinery including (important) model years
  8. Membership roster
  9. Round counts - monthly for at least three years
  10. Any unusual income or outflows

Call me to set one up: 941-739-3990, or write: mike@golfmak.com


kahn financial analysis